Drawing & Watercolour Painting Classes
Professional Art Tutor & Author Jo Allsopp has over 20 years teaching experience
Regular weekly classes take place in the spacious, fully equipped studio with lots of demonstrations.
Small class numbers allow plenty of individual tuition. Such a beautiful setting located by the canal with lots of beautiful woodland and wildlife to inspire.
Purchase from the online shop a block of 5 or 10 classes and take up to 6 months to use these.
Tues 1-3pm Beginners Watercolour
Weds 10.30-12.30 Watercolour Painting
Thurs 10.30-12.30 Drawing & Painting
Fri 10.30-12.30 Watercolour Painting -
Brand new beginners classes are available too as set 4 week blocks - please look in the shop area to see the next available course. All availability for courses and workshops can bee seen in the shop area and booked that way.
If you would like to be added to the waiting list for a class, please email me